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BRANKA PRPA: Marginalization of Vojvodina’s Tradition

English 02. апр 2008.
2 min čitanja

Branka Prpa (foto: Građanski list)“Vojvodina had all postulates of a civilized society to be the matrix – the home of Serbian unification but, through intervening in history from the position of political power, Vojvodina’s tradition is being marginalized. Thus, the Serbian people are deprived of culture they have right on”, said for the web portal Ms. Branka Prpa, Directress of the Historical Archive of Vojvodina.

She pointed out that in the period of enlightenment the Serbs were arguing about their future matrix – home of culture and that the model of political power prevailed over historical and cultural arguments.

“When, let’s say, you consider the Serbian Orthodox Church, then you see that its only seat was in Sremski Karlovci. The Patriarchate of Peć ceased to exists in the 18th century, and the Serbian Orthodox Church was under jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This is just one aspect I point out, because the clergy had the important role in the processes of national integrations in this area. When you consider cities, they are also in Vojvodina. The Matica Srpska (The Home of Serbian Culture) is in Vojvodina,” said Ms. Prpa.

Ms. Prpa added that Vojvodina had, as regards building and when its regards the clergy and when it regards the cultural heritage, all predispositions to be the center of Serbian unification.

“And then the conflict had broken out between the elites and the decision was brought under the influence of political power. In this struggle about the future center of Serbian nation, both the advantages of Vojvodina and its heritage were almost completely eliminated. One tradition was simply pushed aside, marginalized. This is what happens when it comes to intervention in history from position of political power. You deprive your people of culture on which they have right”, said Ms. Prpa.